Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
363 lines
* MICROCAD Drawing utility
* This is a "boiled down" set of routines to draw a MICROCAD drawing file.
* The main purpose of this program is to provide a starting point, should
* you wish to incorporate code to display a MICROCAD drawing file in one
* of your own programs. Most of this file should be useable without much
* modification.
* Copyright 1992-1993 Dave Dunfield
* All rights reserved.
* Permission granted for personal (non-commercial) use only.
* Compile with: cc mcdraw -fop
#include <stdio.h>
/* Misc constants */
#define VERTICAL 480 /* Screen height */
#define HORIZONTAL 640 /* Screen width */
#define ARC_RES 64 /* Resolution of each ARC quadrant */
#define PBYTES 11 /* # of prefix bytes */
/* Drawing buffer codes */
#define LINE 0x01 /* Object is a LINE */
#define BOX 0x02 /* Object is a BOX */
#define CIRCLE 0x03 /* Object is a CIRCLE */
#define TEXT 0x04 /* Object is a TEXT string */
#define ARC 0x05 /* Object is an ARC */
#define GROUP 0x06 /* Object is a GROUP of objects */
#define ACOPY 0x07 /* Copy an object (absolute) */
#define RCOPY 0x08 /* Copy an object (relative) */
/* Global storage */
char drawing[32000], font[4608], vmode;
unsigned dpos;
* Sine table for drawing ARC's
unsigned sine[] = {
0, 1608, 3216, 4821, 6424, 8022, 9616, 11204,
12785, 14359, 15924, 17479, 19024, 20557, 22078, 23586,
25079, 26557, 28020, 29465, 30893, 32302, 33692, 35062,
36410, 37736, 39040, 40320, 41575, 42806, 44011, 45190,
46341, 47464, 48559, 49624, 50660, 51665, 52639, 53581,
54491, 55368, 56212, 57022, 57797, 58538, 59243, 59913,
60547, 61144, 61705, 62228, 62714, 63162, 63571, 63943,
64276, 64571, 64826, 65043, 65220, 65358, 65457, 65516 };
* Main program - read files and draw image
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
unsigned i;
FILE *fp;
if(argc < 2)
abort("\nUse: MCDRAW <drawing file> [font file]\n\nCopyright 1992-1993 Dave Dunfield\nAll rights reserved.\n");
/* Read in the font file */
concat(drawing, (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : "MICROCAD", ".FNT");
fp = fopen(drawing, "rbvq");
fread(font, sizeof(font), fp);
/* Read in drawing file */
concat(drawing, argv[1], ".DWG");
fp = fopen(drawing, "rbvq");
fread(drawing, PBYTES, fp);
i = fread(drawing, sizeof(drawing), fp);
/* Zero unused portion of drawing file */
while(i < sizeof(drawing))
drawing[i++] = 0;
/* Setup PC video screen */
abort("VGA required!");
/* Draw all the objects */
dpos = 0;
while(!draw_object(0, 0));
/* Wait for carriage-return and exit */
fgets(drawing, 100, stdin);
* Draws an object from the drawing file
draw_object(xoffset, yoffset)
int xoffset, yoffset;
int x, y, i, j, k, l;
char buffer[80], *ptr;
i = drawing[dpos++];
x = dvalue() + xoffset;
y = dvalue() + yoffset;
switch(i) {
case LINE :
line(x, y, x+dvalue(), y+dvalue());
case BOX :
box(x, y, x+dvalue(), y+dvalue());
case CIRCLE :
circle(x, y, dvalue());
case TEXT :
i = dvalue();
ptr = buffer;
*ptr++ = j = drawing[dpos++];
text(buffer, x, y, i);
case ARC:
arc(x, y, dvalue(), dvalue(), dvalue());
case GROUP :
i = dvalue();
j = dpos;
while((dpos - j) < i)
draw_object(x, y);
case RCOPY :
i = dpos - 5;
i += dvalue();
goto gocopy;
case ACOPY :
i = dvalue();
j = dpos;
dpos = i+1;
k = dvalue();
l = dvalue();
dpos = i;
draw_object(x - k, y - l);
dpos = j;
abort("Corrupt drawing file!");
case 0 :
return -1; }
return 0;
* Draw a line from point (x1, y1) to (x2, y2)
line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
int i, w, h;
/* If 'X' is greater, increment through 'X' coordinate */
if((w = abs(x1 - x2)) >= (h = abs(y1 - y2))) {
if(x1 > x2) {
i = x1;
x1 = x2;
x2 = i;
i = y1;
y1 = y2;
y2 = i; }
if(y1 < y2) {
for(i=0; i < w; ++i)
set_pixel(x1+i, y1+scale(i, h, w)); }
else {
for(i=0; i < w; ++i)
set_pixel(x1+i, y1-scale(i, h, w)); } }
/* If 'Y' is greater, increment through 'Y' coordinate */
else {
if(y1 > y2) {
i = x1;
x1 = x2;
x2 = i;
i = y1;
y1 = y2;
y2 = i; }
if(x1 < x2) {
for(i=0; i < h; ++i)
set_pixel(x1+scale(i, w, h), y1+i); }
else {
for(i=0; i < h; ++i)
set_pixel(x1-scale(i, w, h), y1+i); } }
set_pixel(x2, y2);
* Draw a box with opposite corners (x1, y1) to (x2, y2)
box(x1, y1, x2, y2)
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
line(x1, y1, x2, y1); /* Top */
line(x1, y1+1, x1, y2-1); /* Left side */
line(x2, y1+1, x2, y2-1); /* Right side */
line(x1, y2, x2, y2); /* Bottom */
* Draw a circle about point (x, y) of radius (r)
circle(x, y, r)
int x, y, r;
int i, j, k, rs, lj;
rs = (lj = r)*r;
for(i=0; i <= r; ++i) {
j = k = sqrt(rs - (i*i));
do {
set_pixel(x+i, y+j);
set_pixel(x+i, y-j);
set_pixel(x-i, y+j);
set_pixel(x-i, y-j); }
while(++j < lj);
lj = k; }
* Draw an arc centered at (x, y), radius r at vectors v1, v2
arc(x, y, r, v1, v2)
int x, y, r;
unsigned char v1, v2;
int rs, i, j, ax, x1, y1, x2, y2;
x2 = -1;
rs = r*r;
do {
j = (ARC_RES-1) - (i = v1 & (ARC_RES-1));
switch(v1 & (ARC_RES*3)) {
case ARC_RES*0 : /* Quadrant one */
x1 = x + (ax = scale(r, sine[i], -1));
y1 = y - sqrt(rs - (ax*ax));
case ARC_RES*1 : /* Quadrant two */
x1 = x + (ax = scale(r, sine[j], -1));
y1 = y + sqrt(rs - (ax*ax));
case ARC_RES*2 : /* Quadrant three */
x1 = x - (ax = scale(r, sine[i], -1));
y1 = y + sqrt(rs - (ax*ax));
case ARC_RES*3 : /* Quadrant four */
x1 = x - (ax = scale(r, sine[j], -1));
y1 = y - sqrt(rs - (ax*ax)); }
if(x2 != -1)
line(x2, y2, x1, y1);
x2 = x1;
y2 = y1; }
while(v1++ != v2);
* Draw a text string on the screen at specified scale
text(string, x, y, s)
char *string;
int x, y, s;
unsigned i, j, b;
unsigned char *ptr;
y -= scale(24, s, 100);
while(*string) {
ptr = &font[(*string++ - ' ') * 48];
for(i=0; i < 24; ++i) {
b = (*ptr++ << 8) | *ptr++;
for(j=0; j < 16; ++j) {
if(b & 0x8000)
set_pixel(x+scale(j,s,100), y+scale(i,s,100));
b <<= 1; } }
x += scale(18, s, 100); }
* Retrieve a 16 bit value from the drawing list
return (drawing[dpos++] << 8) | drawing[dpos++];
* Scale a value by a fraction, using a 32 bit intermediate result,
* and round up/down to nearest integer ressult.
scale(value, mul, div) asm
MOV AX,8[BP] ; Get value
MUL WORD PTR 6[BP] ; Multiply to 32 bit product
MOV BX,4[BP] ; Get divisor
DIV BX ; Divide back to 16 bit result
SHR BX,1 ; /2 for test
JZ scale1 ; Special case (/1)
INC DX ; .5 rounds up
SUB BX,DX ; Set 'C' if remainder > half
ADC AX,0 ; Increment result to scale
* Initialize the video display
init_video() asm
; First, determine current mode for later
MOV AH,0Fh ; Get video mode
INT 10h ; Call BIOS
MOV DGRP:_vmode,AL ; Save video mode
; Check for VGA present
MOV AX,1A00h ; Get display code
INT 10h ; Call BIOS
CMP AL,1Ah ; VGA supported?
MOV AL,-1 ; Assume yes
JZ initv1 ; It does exist
XOR AX,AX ; Report failure
* Set active video mode & clear screen
video_mode(mode) asm
MOV AL,4[BP] ; Get mode
XOR AH,AH ; Func 0 - set mode
INT 10h ; Issue mode
* Set a graphic pixel.
set_pixel(x, y) asm
MOV DX,4[BP] ; Get Y coordinate
JAE noset ; No, skip it
MOV CX,6[BP] ; Get X coordinate
JAE noset ; No, skip it
MOV AH,0Ch ; Write pixel function
MOV AL,0fh ; Pixel SET attribute
XOR BH,BH ; Zero page
INT 10h ; Call int 16